Thursday, December 24, 2009

Appendix More Condition_symptoms If You Bite Your Nails Can It Make It More Likely For Your Appendix To Burst?

If you bite your nails can it make it more likely for your appendix to burst? - appendix more condition_symptoms

My friend told me that his father only nails for ages and had appendicitis, and broke, and when I was filled with pieces of his nails, which went into the plant.

I'm curious if this could really happen. I have to Google, but not much.


beccaboo... said...

NO! is an urban legend. Do not worry! Worry just sick of putting their hands in their mouths ... Flu season approaches. :)

khat_18 said...

What is the relationship with nails plant? Of course not .. .. it is impossible to U, if you feel comfortable, whether, why don'tu want to consult a doctor ..

gator girl said...

Sounds like your friend's father told him to stop biting your nails too convincing! LOL - this is totally fictitious.

pebbles said...

no. I bite my nails most of my life.

sparks12... said...

Never ever heard. Mabye you should try to Google that you can give orders to answer but I've never heard of

cstinker... said...

In the name of God told him to the U of shit? LOL Im sorry but its funny! No nail-biting has NOTHING SO WHATS never be with another body part! All it does is that ICKEY observe, but not physically hurt him anyway, unless u bite so short that they bleed!

bttrswt1 said...

WOW that is great fun. I had my appendicitis when I 5 years. In my mind, it seems that a small pea, with all the fragments that had bitten his nails, tacks from his position as a bullet. He was the father of her friend read my mind? Where was the year 1967?

In fact, the tubular appendage, that is my theory of mind five years ago. ...

starcity... said...

I think it's possible I have also heard that I have never heard someone coming, I think, will it matter, and irritation and sometimes take a break.

Fleur de Lis said...


moonligh... said...

Whoa, honey, I can ask your friends slap for you! That is not true, the nails in the digestive tract into the stomach before they digested in the small intestine!

leged56 said...

Your friend is quite a joke, is the fun with you. It is impossible to happen.

crazy A said...

There is no way to nail-biting has nothing to do with appendicitis ... However, our hands / nails are a breeding ground for many bacteria, and you should definitely twice before they think about a finger, let alone a nail in his mouth:)

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