Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Picture Of Tonsilitis How Serious Is Tonsilitis?

How serious is tonsilitis? - picture of tonsilitis

Ive had my throat very difficult these days, the pain is not yet come. When I looked in the mirror today, tomorrow, I've noticed these little white spots on the tonsils. I looked online and found a picture of tonsillitis, is exactly what I have. The case of tonsillitis, is very serious? Is it reasonable to make an appointment with my doctor or I will go. This is the first time that I have this disease. All responses are welcome.


mrs.edwa... said...

Tonsillitis is just a fancy term for a sore throat ..... This is not really bad. I used all the time before you have my tonsils. It is a bacterial infection, antibiotics can for them. Perhaps you want to go to a doctor, as if there was something else causing white spots. (probably other bacterial infections). If tonsillitis is not a reason for concern.

kraizeem... said...

If you have white spots and swollen tonsils, you have to your doctor and get a simple rapid test performed to see if you have a sore throat. Untreated throat infection can lead to other problems.

A viral (non-tonsillitis) bacterial disappears without treatment, because viruses do not respond to antibiotics.

The only way to know for sure is that the test screen.

Raymond said...

Tonsillitis so severe that dude is also a cause of evil, even if I am no friend of mine had a tonsil infection almost never speak again!

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