Has there ever been a name that you've loved for ages, and then...? - c keer clothing
You start just go off suddenly for no apparent reason? But then you do not want to let go?
For example, for a long time my favorite children's names Cillian (Killy-war year), but lately I'm not so sure. I always liked, but I do not know if it's my favorite now. My other favorites are the names of the children Callum and Declan. I thought to replace Ciaran Cillian (keer-year), what I like, and is very similar, while being different (it's just a coincidence that we have 2 names C). But at the same time, I think it's a shame to let loved Gillian GO, since I so long.
Do you already have similar examples? Thank you =]
I have it with Helen and Marion, a few years. They had two key names for the year! Helen does not replace, but he decided to move from Marion to Miriam, the German version (IMO b / c the only thing I knew, Miriam are German!)
I fell in love with Helen and Marion, though, and I would have missed if it is not just for Marion Miriam. It is "easy". (I fell in love with Miriam, although in recent times ... but it is B / C, a person with a similar name, I do not know how ... I still love, but it was several notches.)
Yes, very very very similar situations! Infact, I am relatively few names!
For example, I loved Lily, then go through the stages of love and the taste is not the case at the time the love again! The so often.
I had similar views about the name of Kira and Holly, and especially Amber. I liked Amber, but now that I love, but love it:)
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